Why We Are All Deaf to The Screams of Women Raped and Murdered in an Indifferent World

The failure of bystanders to intervene in the attack and rape of a woman riding a Septa train in Philadelphia echoes the infamous murder of Kitty Genovese.


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How This 1 App Changed My Life Completely

And the five improvements that came with it

I miss those childhood days in which the world was perfect. There was no pandemic, free travel, sunshine, and fresh air in the Austrian mountains where I spent my days happy, reading, running through the wilderness, and hunting what I needed to eat.

A fairy tale thanks to the mind’s ability to cut out bad experiences and keep those happy ones. Yet, the Pre-Internet world had some advantages:

Just think about the old calendars called Filofax. Every year at Christmas time, the magic moment came when I went to buy the new pages for the new year. Once the new year started, I wrote everything that concerned my life into this book.

The notes pages served as a diary, the calendar pages to remember appointments, alongside the important school dates, mostly when school begins and ends and all the exams in between.

The contact pages, well, also handwritten addresses and phone numbers. A lot of slow and mindful work, thanks to diligent handwriting. It took time to sit down, create a clear thought and note it down to ensure that the writing is decipherable in days, weeks, and months to come.

Then came the computer and internet revolution that promised to make everything better, faster, easier, and every single dream to come true. In reality, 30 years later, it isn't that simple and easy as marketing gurus promised it to become back in the days.

As a freelancer and investor, I usually work with five to ten companies simultaneously, and each company has its organizational tools. And of course, my business also has its own.

Practically speaking, I juggle around with

None integrated, and I coordinate between the calendars myself. It is very annoying as usually the executive assistants in the companies don’t have access to all calendars due to confidentiality purposes and can’t check every single one of the 100 calendars of every person that needs to come to a meeting.

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Namaste a todos los que te hacen daño.. “Namaste” is published by Fra_GandL.