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The first debate for Democrat Presidential hopefuls is scheduled for this week hosted by NBC in Miami. The field of participants has been limited to 20 by The Democratic National Committee, (DNC), and divided over 2 nights with 10 debaters Wednesday and 10 on Thursday.

The candidates, especially those on the fringe of recognition, (which is most of them), are no doubt anxious to mix it up on stage before a national audience.

For their part NBC must be licking its chops in anticipation of an audience that will rival the final installment of MASH, the Who Shot JR episode of Dallas, or even the Game Of Thrones finale. The Network brass having calculated — that even if only the candidates extended families watch — the viewership will be huge. Add to these the political junkies who have never gotten “a life”, journalists and talking heads who have to watch for their job, practicing masochists, and those of the institutionalized variety who are denied access to the remote for their own protection — and the program should send the Neilson Rating numbers off the charts.

But despite the desire of the Politicians, and the profit motive of NBC — this debate must be STOPPED — or at least reformatted and postponed.

The major problem is that the Debate violates one of the Cardinal principles of the Democratic Party — — namely — INCLUSION.

The DNC has EXCLUDED several announced candidates from participation in the planned parade of pontification. Among those left out in the cold by the Heartless, Inhumane, Cruel, and Discriminatory action of the DNC are a Montana Governor named Bullock, a Massachusetts Representative named Moulton, and some Mayor from somewhere in Florida. (Forgive any spelling errors –apparently none of these prospective Presidents are well enough known to register on Spell Check).

But name recognition is NOT the issue — -the issue is INCLUSION.

Besides. the DNC included someone named Williamson who’s main claim to fame is authorship of a book entitled — ”Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships” — and a Crazy Rich Guy named Yang who’s signature issue is the coming invasion of — and Fear of Robots. At least these 2 would add some entertainment and variety to the proceedings.

But neither is this about entertainment value — it is about fighting the EVIL of EXCLUSION.

Then too, there is, it is believed, a handful of registered Democrats in America who have not yet declared candidacy for the Presidency.

What if these decide to throw a hat in the ring?

How unfair it would be to deny them an equal shot at the first debate.

There may even be others from outside the party inner circle who should be included — allowed to join the fray.

Just this week the President of Iran went on live TV and declared that The White House is — ”Afflicted by Mental Retardation.”

Without debating the accuracy of the observation — this comment sounds suspiciously like what lots of the Dem candidates say about our President — and reflects the sentiments of what will, no doubt, become a Major Plank in the Platform of whoever ends up taking on Trump.

Could it be that Iranian President Rouhani is testing the waters — putting up a trial balloon — for a possible run for The White House as a Democrat ?

True, Rouhani is a foreigner — and a belligerent one at that — but again the issue is INCLUSION. And as any Democrat candidate worth his salt knows –it is UnAmerican, Cruel, and Inhumane to Exclude ANYONE — even foreigners from all the rights and privileges of the Land Of The Free and The Home Of The Brave.

So, whether it is to add the already Excluded or make room for those who may be coming late to the party, the debate must be cancelled, at least postponed and reformatted in the spirit of honoring full Inclusion.

Then too, a delay would enable NBC to further tweak the format to assure a big audience. Maybe a modified Survivor approach with the viewers voting candidates off the Stage — or perhaps a WWF concept where each candidate gets to pick a Democrat Tag-Team partner.

Can you imagine Bernie Sanders and AOC taking on Joe Biden and Ilhan Omar in a fight to the finish — -until someone taps out — — Now that — — is Must Watch TV.

Whatever format they decide on the crucial consideration is Full Inclusion —

If the DNC does not cancel and reschedule then they are just giving lip service to Inclusion — all their railing against Exclusion is just talk —

And we, at least those of us who are allowed use of the remote, should BOYCOTT the debate — we should change the channel.

As difficult and sacrificial as this may be, especially if they go with the WWF tag -team format, we must do it — INCLUSION requires nothing less.

Besides, there may be something else good on — -maybe an old rerun — -

Maybe Dallas — Who did Shoot JR anyway?

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