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Why ENS Digit Palindromes?

Why not prime numbers?

Provable Rarity is easy to implement by it’s nature. It is the study of the simplest possible patterns that can be derived from digits. Let me begin by dispelling any notion that this is difficult. You can learn to eyeball the rarity of any digits just counting unique digits and then noting the length and specific patterns.

Try these two questions.


2. Which of the two sequences are symmetrical? (A or B)

A 🍎🍉🍎

B 🍎🍎🍉

The first question shows a single fruit, Apples. A unary is a sequence with just one character. 4444.eth is a unary sequence. That apple sequence is a 4 length unary and it is also symmetrical. We call it an L4U1PAL (4 length, 1 unique digit, it’s a palindrome) but the name really just describes the rarity qualities you can easily see with your eyes.

Symmetry can create order out of assorted parts

The second question looks at symmetry. A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards (A is correct). Young children are able to appreciate symmetry as early as pre-school. Provable rarity transcends mathematics as we saw with the fruit example. The concept of symmetry is understood instinctively by the human mind in colors, shapes, etc.

Symmetry occurs naturally in the natural world.

Humans naturally recognize and are programmed to enjoy the beauty of symmetry. Research has shown that both men and women prefer faces that are symmetrical. We use digits because they are the most rare (by virtue of just 10 digits vs 26 letters) but these principles can be applied to letters and ethmojis with equal effectiveness.

Provable Rarity is not about onboarding the masses to any idea, but rather anticipating what new collectors would determine is rare in the absence of twitter’s various flimsy valuation memes. Provable Rarity is the search for the very bedrock of rarity where it is an inherent trait. While Club digit valuations will adhere strongly to the strength and behavior of clubs, the valuation of real rarity will not be impacted by outside forces.

If a new ENS investor emerges who did not come from ENS twitter (the other 99.9999% of the world), what qualities will they be able to recognize? What will they know?

Ethereum is a global computer with frontends in many languages. Many Ethereum users do not speak English. English words are not universally understood and have a high degree of subjectivity to their valuation.

We cannot assume these new entrants have ever heard of ENS “Clubs.” If they have heard of them, will they consider these organizations forming around decentralized assets to be beneficial or a liability? Investors with large sums will consider reliance on a Discord Club to be a red flag not a selling point. If value relies on good behavior of influencers that is incredibly flimsy ground to build an investment thesis. The core weakness of Clubs is of course the misdeeds of the humans running them.

This new buyer may not know mathematics either! We certainly cannot assume they are familiar with primes. To determine if a number is prime, we must perform calculations to check if it is divisible by other numbers. It is not immediately apparent. One of the first requirements of Provable Rarity is that it is visible and apparent. Primes are not quickly visible to the eye. We can throw them out.

Palindromes transcend both math and language. They have been arrived at independently again and again across history. The oldest known palindrome was found as graffiti at Hurclaneum in 70AD: “Sator arepo tenet opera rotas”, which means, “The sower Arepo leads with his hand the plough.” A new buyer will find symmetry. The fact that palindromes are attractive is just a bonus, they are mathematically more rare configurations of digits than their assymetrical counterparts.

Now it is time to put principle in practice. Let’s take a look at the 100k Club. With 100,000 individual pieces to sift through, there are endless floor digits available to replace any one you sweep.

ENS Vision 100k Club Category (5-digit numbers) captured 11/1/2022

It is not really a good idea to buy a floor digit from a collection with 80k plus replacement floor pieces.

If we divide into orderly and disorderly we are able to find some real rarity. Out of 100k 5-digits, just 1000 are palindromes (Ex: 12321.eth). By counting the unique digits we can further stratify into even more specific rarity bands.

There are 720 5-digit Palindromes with 3 unique digits.

Ex: 12321.eth (L5U3PAL)

There are 270 5-digit Palindromes with 2 unique digits.

Ex: 12221.eth (L5U2PAL)

There are 10 5-digit (Unary) Palindromes with 1 unique digit. 10 out of 100,000 is incredibly rare!

Ex: 11111.eth (L5U1PAL)

At every length we find these orderly patterns are few. Palindromes are reliably more rare than the corresponding floor digits at every length.

This Provable Rarity can be discovered by any new market entrant without ever using our vocabulary. After the sequences with a repeating single unique digit, palindromes reliably score high on the rarity chart. The fewer unique digits the better. Happy hunting!

More Resources:

The original Provable Rarity article:

Learn to Value Digits Using the Provable Rarity Chart:

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