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Fiddling while The Air Ambulance Service burns

Today was apparently a board meeting with the crisis comms agency there to brief them on what next shitstorm is about to hit them.

Did they talk to staff while at Rugby HQ to guage the situation? What do you think.

We are three days into the working week after a major broadsheet made serious allegations against CEO Andy Williamson and others, with the it reported that the trustees are potentially too close to him to do their jobs properly.

Do they feel like they took the right action today? Unless a radical plan is shared with colleagues tomorrow, involving those at the top standing aside for the sake of the charity, I hope not.

They are supposed to provide oversight of the charity, yet they have made no general outreach to those beyond the upper echelons the management chain. It is elitism, ignoring those whose efforts make the charity what it is, and it stinks.

Never mind. Others are already speaking to the Charity Commission and the media, in such great number the truth will out. It’s a matter of time, and the longer they try to hold on the worse it will be for those reponsible for this calamitous mess.

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